


Wutal Enterprises Limited; undertakes all forms of building and civil works construction of fences, drainages, culverts, specializing in mechanical/electrical works and road construction within and outside Abuja. The company approaches construction from all effective aspects:
i. Undertakes construction of roads, building, fences, drainages, landscaping and culverts.
ii. It involves in the supply, installation and connection options. This involves the supply of all the materials needed from the commencement to the finishing.
iii. Importation and marketing of construction products and finishing materials.
iv. Or in the provision of the materials needed for execution of the projects but do not provide the finishing items but only installs. With the scope of the projects executed as shown, Wutal Enterprises Ltd. can justly claim to possess all the necessary requirements to undertake any projects in the area of electrical and mechanical, road constructions, bridge, culverts and consultancy services.


We undertake general aspects of project maintenance thus General Environmental Cleaning, Electrical and Mechanical, Portable Water Supply. Building Maintenance, Building, Air-conditioning etc.

supply of labour force

In the Nigeria construction industry labor and its management constitutes a problem. As an irritant it slows down work progress and achievement of targeted completion date. Bearing the above in mind, we equally specialized in the provision or supply of labour force to any main construction firm thus:
a) To guide against unnecessary work stoppage, and increase the frequency of labor to the main contractor.
b) To facilitate the rapid progress of a main construction firm that is on transient that only have a major project to complete within a specified date; after which the firm departs the country. A company not programmed to stay in the country to seek further contracts.
c) To minimize unnecessary continues demand from the work force.
d) To shift the responsibility of labor supply and control to the labor company ; therefore, shielding the major contractor.
e) To act as an intermediary between the labor force and the main construction company.
f) To allow the labor contractor develop a contractual relationship with the labor force for a specific period rather than on a permanent base.